Agenda Item Name:
Fire Services Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Final Rate Resolution
Harold Theus, Chief, 352-384-3130
This is the Assessment Resolution authorizing a public hearing to set rates for the Fire Services Assessment for Fiscal Year 2019-20.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Adopt the Fire Services Assessment Final Rate Resolution for Fiscal Year 2019-20.
Prior Board Motions:
July 11, 2017 Board Adopted the Ordinance and Initial Rate Resolution for the Fire Assessment
September 7, 2017 Board Adopted the Final Rate Resolution related to the Fire Assessment
July 10, 2018 Board Adopted the Resolution and authorized staff to notice the September 11, 2018 Public Hearing to set the rates for Fire Non-Ad Valorem Assessment
September 11, 2018 Board Adopted the Final Rate Resolution related to the Fire Assessment for Fiscal Year 2018-19
July 9, 2019 Board Adopted the Resolution and authorized staff to notice the September 10, 2019 Public Hearing to set the rates for Fire Non-Ad Valorem Assessment
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
The rates for FY2019-20 remain the same as the adopted rates in FY2018-19.
Tier 1 all non-exempt parcels - improved and unimproved $83.34 per parcel
Tier 2 non-exempt improved parcels $7.63 per EBU (Per $5,000 of structure values, rounded down to nearest $5,000 is Equivalent Benefit Unit EBU)
FY2019-20 expected revenue per the consultant on August 1, 2019 is $13,973,289.71
The Fire Assessment was adopted by the Board and implemented as a funding source for fire protection services in FY2018-19. The FY2019-20 Tentative Budget was presented to the Board on June 6, 2019. A resolution was adopted on July 9, 2019 to set the Tentative Fire Assessment rates that were included in the TRIM notices. The tentative rates for FY2019-20 are the same as adopted in FY2017-18 and FY2018-19.
Tier 1 all non-exempt parcels-improved and unimproved $83.34 per parcel
Tier 2 non-exempt improved parcels $7.63 per EBU (Per $5,000 of structure values, rounded down to nearest $5,000 is Equivalent Benefit Unit EBU)
The proposed annual Non-Ad Valorem Assessment rates for Fire Services for Fiscal Year 2019-20 are unchanged from Fiscal Year 2018-19. Receiving approval will allow the Fire Services program funds to receive approximately $13,973,289.71 in Non-Ad Valorem revenue.