Agenda Item Name:
Deductive change order to the Eco Industrial Park Construction Agreement with VE Whitehurst & Sons Inc.
Ramon Gavarrete, P.E.
Deductive change order to the construction agreement for the Eco Industrial Park with V E Whitehurst & Sons, Inc. This unencumbers funds in the project budget to pay for other project needs. These needs include:
GRU Sewer and Water Inspection Fees $32,000
Increase in CEI Services $25,350
Surveying for boundary corners for Conservation Management Areas $2,400
Internal Costs for Project Management $17,250
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve deductive change order of $77,000 to construction agreement with V E Whitehurst and reallocate those budgeted dollars to the other identified project needs.
Prior Board Motions:
In 2014, the BoCC approved a motion to move forward with the final development plan and with adding the project to the CIP.
Comprehensive Plan Element: 8.0 Energy Element -
Policy 8.1.1 -
To help achieve the 75% waste recycling goal mandated by the state by 2020 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the transport of municipal solid waste, promote a cluster of waste to wealth industries at the Resource Recovery Park to make useful products from recycled materials. As a component of this, work to direct municipal solid waste to the Leveda Brown Environmental Park.
April 24, 2018 - Board approved the Finance Report for the project and authorized staff to negotiate an agreement with VE Whitehurst & Sons, Inc.
June 26, 2018 - Board approved the Construction Agreement with VE Whitehurst & Sons, Inc.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Deductive change order - $77,000, reduces VE Whitehurst contract encumbrance by $77,000. This increases the unencumbered balance in the project to pay expenses for:
GRU Sewer and Water Inspection Fees $32,000
Increase in CEI Services $25,350
Surveying for boundary corners for Conservation Management Areas $2,400
Internal Costs for Project Management $17,250
Project charged to: 400.76.7605.534.63.99 project 9177601
The Phase I of construction of the Eco Industrial Park is almost complete and contingency funds are not expected to be needed to close contract agreement with VE Whitehurst.