Agenda Item Name:
State of Florida - Alachua County Health Department FY 2019/20 Contract
Tom Tonkavich,264- 6738
State of Florida - Alachua County Health Department FY 2019/20 Contract. Pursuant to Chapter 154, Florida Statutes, the intent of the legislature is to promote, protect, maintain, and improve the health and safety of all citizens and visitors of this state through a system of coordinated county health department services.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve the FY2019/20 State of Florida Alachua County Health Department Contract for operation of the Alachua County Health Department.
Prior Board Motions:
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Alachua County Health Department FY 2019/20 Contract
General Fund $1,109,875.
The Alachua County Health Department was created in order to satisfy the State of Florida's legislative intent to promote public health, control and eradicate preventable diseases and to provide primary health care for special populations through creation of County Health Departments throughout the State. The State Legislature encourages that counties and the State of Florida Department of Health both contribute funds to operation of the county health departments. County funds in the amount of $1,109,875, .have been budgeted for the Alachua County Health Dept. operations and the Florida Dept. of Health will contribute up to $9,858,800, toward the Alachua County Health Department operations. The Alachua County Health Dept. through this partnership will provide environmental health services, communicable disease control services and primary health care services. County funds ($1,109,875,) will be used in the above mentioned areas, with the goals of overall improved health, lowering the need for inpatient hospitalizations and lowering the number of needed referrals for hospital emergency room treatment among participants.