Agenda Item Name:
CPA-01-19: A request to amend the future land use designation from Rural/Agriculture to Rural Commercial-Agriculture
Mehdi Benkhatar, 352-374-5249 ext. 2361
A request by Doug Levesque, owner, for a small-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend the future land use designation on approximately 1.5 acres from Rural/Agriculture (1 dwelling unit per 5 acres) to Rural Commercial-Agriculture. If approved, the site could allow for neighborhood-scale commercial uses such as a sit-down restaurant, office or agricultural service. The site is in the ‘A’ (Agriculture) district and is located at 12001 S US Highway 441 on Tax Parcel Number 16392-001-000. This application is associated with ZOM-01-19, a request to rezone the same parcel from ‘A’ (Agriculture) to ‘BR’ (Retail sales and services).
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt CPA-01-19
Prior Board Motions:
ZON-01-95 (reestablish a non-conforming restaurant)
ZON-02-99 (reestablish a non-conforming retail sales)
ZON-01-04 (reestablish a non-conforming retail sales)
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
At the onset of the adoption of the 1991 Comprehensive Plan, the Rural Commercial-Agriculture land use was designated to those parcels in the rural area with existing commercial zoning, indicated with a “star” on the Future Land Use Map. This parcel at that time had commercial zoning (BH district) and was in operation as a sit-down restaurant (Vecchio’s) and then more recently as a retail store (Door Store).
Despite this historical commercial use, this parcel was not given a Rural Commercial-Agriculture designation. A commercial building on this site was built in 1962 and was an established restaurant for years. Since then, the site applied for and received approvals to continue operation as a non-conforming use (in 1995, 1999 and 2004). The site has since been unoccupied for over a decade.
If this land use amendment is approved small-scale (under 10,000 sq. ft.) commercial uses such as neighborhood convenience centers, offices, restaurants and agricultural services intended to serve rural communities would be allowed at this site.