Agenda Item Name:
Purchase Order 2020-995 to Nextran Truck Center-Lake City for the purchase of a 2020 Mack 52,000 lb., GVWR Cab & Chassis - 4x6 Tandem Axle Truck - More than $50K
Ramon D, Gavarrete, P.E., County Engineer 352.548.1214/Larry Sapp, 352.374.5202
Nextran Truck Center-Lake City Purchase Order 2020-995
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve the issuance of Purchase Order 2020-995, to Nextran Truck Center-Lake City, in the amount of $177,736.00, for the purchase of 2020 Mack 52,000 lb., GVWR Cab & Chassis - 4x6 Tandem Axle Truck. Prices, terms and conditions are per Florida Sheriffs Association, Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs Association, Contract #FSA 19 - VEH 17.0.
Prior Board Motions:
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
There is $190,000 was requested for the purchase of this vehicle in the FY20 budget in account 403.76.7610.534.64.00.
As a proposed enhancement to the FY20 Budget, the Rural Collections Centers Fund (RCC's) requested an additional Solid Waste Operator and a Roll-off truck. This request was based upon the fact that the Rural Collection Centers have approximately 50 containers in circulation any of which must be emptied more than once a week. The maximum capacity for the two drivers is to pull 40 to 50 containers in a week. The two drivers are often working 10 to 20 hours of overtime a week just to stay keep up with the demand. The enhancement was approved as part of the budget process so purchase order is to buy a Roll-off Truck.
This purchase is exempt from the County's competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Section 22.11(15) of the Alachua County Purchasing Code, which permits the County to purchase supplies, materials, equipment and services under contract with federal, state, or municipal governments or any other governmental agency or political subdivision providing the vendor extends the same terms an...
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