Agenda Item Name:
ZOM-01-19: A request to rezone from Agriculture (A) to Retail sales and services (BR)
Mehdi Benkhatar, 352-374-5249, ext. 2361
A request by Doug Levesque, owner, to rezone from the 'A' (Agriculture) district to 'BR' (Retail sales and services) district. The site is approximately 1.5 acres and has a related request to amend the land use designation of Rural Agriculture (1 dwelling unit per 5 acres) to a proposed land use designation of Rural Commercial Agriculture (see application CPA-01-19). The parcel is located at 12001 S US Highway 441 on tax parcel number 16392-001-000.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that if the Board of County Commissioners approves CPA-01-19 to also approve ZOM-01-19 with the bases as listed in the staff report.
Prior Board Motions:
ZON-01-95 (reestablish a non-conforming restaurant)
ZON-02-99 (reestablish a non-conforming retail sales)
ZON-01-04 (reestablish a non-conforming retail sales)
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
The existing 2,184 sq. ft. building has previously been used as a restaurant since the 1970s and more recently as a retail store. Business operations were intermittent and the owner applied to re-establish a non-conforming use in 1995, 1999 and 2004. The site was zoned "BH" (Highway oriented business services) until being administratively rezoned by the County in the mid-1990s due to it being designated as Rural/Agriculture on the Future Land Use Map. Since then, it has been zoned "A" (Agriculture). The last business closed over 10 years ago.
This rezoning is related to the comprehensive plan amendment CPA-01-19 (amending the land use to Rural-Commercial-Agriculture). If CPA-01-19 is approved, rezoning to BR would implement the Rural Commercial-Agriculture land use.
If approved, the site would allow for certain commercial uses (e.g. neighborhood convenience center, office, sit-down...
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