Agenda Item Name:
Change Order #3 to Purchase Order 2020-00000646, to ImageStoreHouse, in the amount of $25,000.00, for scanning services to convert paper to digital and storage for Growth Management. The revised Purchase Order total is $255,000.00
Missy Daniels, 352.5249 ext. 2364/Larry Sapp, 352.374.5202
ImageStoreHouse Change Order #3 to Purchase Order 2020-00000646
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve the issuance of Change Order #3 to Purchase Order 2020-00000646, to ImageStoreHouse, in the amount of $25,000.00, for scanning services to convert paper to digital and storage. The revised Purchase Order total is $255,000.00.
Pricing per CNT Clay County Bid 2019/2020-1 DOCUMENT SCANNING SERVICES in accordance with prices, conditions, and specifications.
Prior Board Motions:
March 10, 2020, Board approved Change Order #1 to Purchase Order 20-646, increasing the PO to $240.000.00.
August 3, 2019, Board approved Change Order #2 was approved to increase PO 2019-1056 to $259,733. Of which, $31,653.97 was spent before purchase order was cancelled. Purchase Order 2020-00000646 is continuation of scanning project.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Available budget $25,769.96, is sufficient account in 410.65.6510.524.49.00 to cover $25,000 change order in Codes Enforcement Fund.
This change order is intended to restore the purchase order to the amount previously approved by the Board. A previous change order reduced the purchase order by $25,000 to accommodate other necessary purchases and limited budget. However, additional budget was added during the mid-year review, allowing for this purchase order to return to its previous encumbrance amount. Due to the purchase order amount exceeding $50K, it requires Board approval.
In August of 2017, the Growth Management department started a process of converting old files that were deteriorating and becoming unusable to digi...
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