Agenda Item Name:
ImageStoreHouse: Change Order 2 to Purchase Order 2019-1056
Missy Daniels, 352.5249 ext. 2364/Larry Sapp, 352.374.5202
Approve the issuance of Change Order 2 to Purchase Order 2019-1056, to ImageStoreHouse.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve the issuance of Change Order 2 to Purchase Order 2019-1056, to ImageStoreHouse, in the amount of $225,000.00, for the purchase of scanning services to convert paper to digital and storage. The revised Purchase Order Total is $259,733.00. Prices, terms and conditions are per Pricing per CNT Clay County Bid 15/16-52 in accordance with prices, conditions, and specifications.
Prior Board Motions:
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
The purchase order total amount will now be $259,733.00. The Codes Enforcement Fund, will be used to increase this purchase order by $225,000 from account 410.65.6510.524.49.00.
Original Purchase Order: $ 19,733.00
Change Order #1: $ 15,000.00
Change Order #2: $225,000.00
Revised Purchase Order: $259,733.00
In August of 2017, the Growth Management department started a process of converting old files that were deteriorating and becoming unusable to digital images. Most of these files are currently being stored at Iron Mountain and once the scanning is complete, we will no longer be paying for storage at Iron Mountain. There are adequate funds in the Codes Enforcement Fund Reserves to cover this cost.
This purchase is exempt from the County's competitive bidding requirements pursuant to Section 22.11(15) of the Alachua County Purchasing Code, which permits the County to purchase supplies, materials, equipment and services under the terms and conditions established under an existing contract that the vendor has with federal, state, municipal government or any other governmental agency. However, since the dollar amount of the purchase exceeds the purchasing authority of the Pur...
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