Agenda Item Name:
Combined Communications Center Budget Adjustment
Tommy Crosby, 337-6205
The Sheriff requested an increase in the FY20 Budget to increase the E-911 staff pay. This item is to approve a budget reduction to the CCC Capital Equipment fund thereby freeing up the budget for the pay increases.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Reduce the transfer to ACSO from the Combined Communications Center Capital Equipment fund by $290,028.
Prior Board Motions:
On 8/20/2019, a motion was passed (5-0) directing the County Manager to continue negotiating with the City and with the Sheriff to come up with a way to get these employees up to $16.00 an hour this year. Authorize a Chair letter to the City stating the County commitment and request the City of Gainesville to match the commitment.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Reduce the operating transfer from Fund 147 to ACSO.
.According to the Inter-local Agreement with the City of Gainesville, the City of Gainesville Commission must approve any budget increase above 3 percent. The Sheriff has agreed to a one year reduction of $290,028 to the CCC Capital Equipment fund.