Agenda Item Name:
Chair Letter to Blue-Green Algae Task Force
Chris Bird, EPD
Support of legislative changes to statewide fertilizer and stormwater policies.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Authorize Chair letter to the State's Blue-Green Algae Task Force and authorize staff to explore additional methods for informing the State on strategies for strengthening the State's fertilizer and stormwater policies.
Prior Board Motions:
4/9/2019 adoption of changes to the Water Quality Code (includes fertilizer and stormwater articles) and staff assignment to host two stakeholder meetings.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Alachua County adopted the most protective fertilizer ordinance in the state of Florida on April 9th, 2019 because the BoCC recognizes that fertilizer contributes to pollution of our surface waters, groundwater, and springs. The current ordinance includes an eight month ban from July-February.
During the public hearing, staff was instructed to host two stakeholder meetings to further explore ways to reduce urban fertilizer use. The meetings took place on 7/9/19 and 7/30/19 and included participants from the landscaping industry. During a brea-out session during the 7/9/19 meeting, every group suggested that a sales ban should be included in the County Ordinance. However, F.S. 570.07(41)(a)) preempts local governments from adopting a local sales ban. A sales ban would be the least expensive and most effective tool for enforcing the local ordinance.
Staff is requesting authorization to inform the state on strategies to strengthen the statewide fertilizer ordinance (including removal of the preemption). As such, staff has included a draft chair letter to be sent to the Blue-Green Algae task force communicating our concerns with the preemption.
The chair letter also outlines the importance of the state adopting an updated Statewide Stormwater Rule, based on ...
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