Agenda Item Name:
CPA-02-19: A request for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to change certain Policies with the Springhills Activity Center
Gerald Brewington (352-374-5249)
CPA-02-19 seeks to amend policies within the Springhills Activity Center to add additional parcels (no increase in acreage) and to exempt two of these new parcels from triggering a developer’s agreement that would initiate transportation improvements within the Activity Center.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the Board adopt Ordinance 19-xx approving the requested changes
Prior Board Motions:
ZOM-05-84: Rezoning from BH to BW
ZOM-31-88: Rezoning from A-1 to BW
CPA-03-04: Amendments to Springhills DRI
CPA-04-10: Amendments to Springhills Activity Center Policy 2.5.1 requiring TND’s and TOD’s
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
The applicant wishes to amend policies within the Springhills Activity Center portion of the Future Land Use Element of the Plan to 1) incorporate newly created parcels (carved out from existing parcels within the activity center) and 2) exempt two of these parcels from triggering a developer’s agreement identified in these policies that would initiate transportation improvements within the activity center.