Agenda Item Name:
Rural Concerns Advisory Committee Appointments
Ken Zeichner 374-5249
Five residents have submitted applications for appointment to the Rural Concerns Advisory Committee to fill three positions in specific membership categories.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Appoint applicants to full terms beginning 10/01/2019 through 9/30/2022 for the following specific membership categories on the Rural Concerns Advisory Committee: (1) Residing in the Unincorporated Area Outside the Urban Cluster Designated in the County Comprehensive Plan; (2) Actively Involved in Agriculture and/or Silviculture; (3) Member Chosen At Large.
Prior Board Motions:
On June 25, 2019, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 19-66 (attached) extending the sunset date of the Rural Concerns Advisory Committee. The sunset date is now December 31, 2025.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
The Advisory Committee on Rural Concerns was originally established in April 2003 by the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners. The Resolution establishing the Committee states that its responsibilities shall be to: establish the importance of our rural, unincorporated agricultural and historic settlements; assist in the development and evaluation of policies and programs affecting the rural areas of the County; represent the rural areas in the County's various community planning processes and hearings; and assist in the recognition and determination of the needs of the County's rural residents and advising the Board accordingly.
The specific membership categories are identified in Section 2 of the current Resolution for the Alachua County Committee on Rural Concerns ("Advisory Committee"). Specific positions with terms expiring on 9/30/2019 consist one of each of the following: Member Residing in the Unincorporated Area Outside the Urban Cluster Designated in the County Comprehensive...
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