Agenda Item Name:
Amendments to Chapter 405.33 (Preservation Buffer Overlay District) of the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC)
Gerald L. Brewington (352-374-5249)
Staff are proposing changes to Chapter 405.33 of the ULDC per the Board’s recommendation. The proposed changes, if adopted, will address existing and proposed development in the buffer areas surrounding preservation properties.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the Board adopt the ordinance (19-xx) with the changes as proposed.
Prior Board Motions:
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Provisions in the Preservation Buffer Overlay District section of the ULDC (405.33) call for buffers around designated resources (either via the Preservation Land Use or identified as protected resources) of anywhere from 100 feet to 660 feet wide. These buffers carry with them protections as identified in Code that can limit development within the buffer. These protections can impact existing as well as proposed development, especially when related to residential construction and associated outbuildings. The proposed revisions would address these issues by providing a framework to allow development within buffer areas under certain circumstances.