Agenda Item Name:
Ranking and Award of contracts for RFP 23-224-TW Annual Property Appraisal Services, with the top 5 ranked firms, in the amount Not to Exceed (NTE) $300,000.00, for Public Works.
Ramon D, Gavarrete, 352.548.1214/Darryl R. Kight, 352.374.5202
Approve the Ranking and Award of contracts for RFP 23-224-TW Annual Property Appraisal Services:
1. Santangini Appraisals, LLC
2. Pinel & Carpenter, Inc.
3. Clayton, Roper & Marshall, Inc.
4. Florida Property Consultants Group (aka Deighan Appraisal Associates, Inc.)
5. The Urban Group, Inc.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve the Ranking and Award of contracts for RFP 23-224-TW Annual Property Appraisal Services, with the top 5 ranked firms and Authorize the Chair to sign the contracts and Authorize the County Manager to sign future amendments.
Prior Board Motions:
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Due Diligence are intended for appraisal, survey, environmental site assessment, and closing services in the Wild Spaces Public Places (WSPP) Fund in account 021.41.4160.537.31.00. In addition to the WSPP Fund, the County purchases real estate for other purposes such a Fire/Rescue Stations, Roads & Right of Way and these services are budgeted as part of the project cost. Contracts are for a not to exceed $300,000.00.
Strategic Guide:
Strategic Guide
Historically, the County has bid real estate appraisals services since they form the basis for negotiations for land acquisitions under the Alachua County Forever program and other real estate purchases and are required under Sec. 125.355 F.S. Previously, staff has awarded this bid to three appraisers but in order to run the program effectively and efficiently, staff needs to be able to select from at least five appraisal firms based on cost, availability, and experience with the type of property being appraised. Based on a review of their qualifications, all five top-ranked firms have the capability of provide the services required by the County.
RFP 23-224-TW Annual Property Appraisal Services was advertised on July 13, 2022. The deadline for receipt of RFP 23-224-TW Annual Property Appraisal Services was August 24, 2022, eight (8) vendors responded.