Agenda Item Name:
Confirm the hire of a Senior Assistant County Attorney in the County Attorney’s Office
Sylvia Torres, 5218
Confirmation of the hire of a Senior Assistant County Attorney, in accordance with Article II, Section 21.21 of the Alachua County Administrative Code.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Confirm the hire of Courtney Wilson as a Senior Assistant County Attorney in the County Attorney’s Office, in accordance with Article II, Section 21.21 of the Alachua County Administrative Code
Prior Board Motions:
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
This position is being hired at an annual rate of $105,000, which is about 15.49% above base.
Per Article II, Section 21.21 of the Alachua County Administrative Code, new executive service hires are presented to the Board for their approval.
Courtney Wilson, has been hired by the County Attorney in the position of Senior Assistant County Attorney at an annual rate of $105,000.00.
Ms. Wilson’s resume and confirmation letter are attached.