Agenda Item Name:
Regional Transit System Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Transit Service Agreement
Chris Dawson, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner, x5249
Request for approval of annual operating contract with the City of Gainesville for transit service for the unincorporated area provide by the Regional Transit Service
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve and authorize the Chair's signature on the Fiscal Year 19/20 Regional Transit Service Agreements for the transit service provided to the County.
Prior Board Motions:
At its March 26, 2019 Regular Meeting, the Board provided direction to Staff to draft an agreement that would enhance the level of service on Route 75.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
The Transit Services Agreement will require the County to pay a total of $1,022,772 to the City in quarterly payments. Tentative FY20 budget has $1,037,000 in Account: 008.79.7940.544.34.00.
The City of Gainesville and Alachua County enter into annual agreements for the delivery of public transit services primarily to the unincorporated area. In the past, the parties have executed two separate agreement for service. This fiscal year, the parties are proposing to combine the separate agreements into a single agreement for all service. The Fiscal Year 18/19 contracts totaled $1,024,116. For Fiscal Year 19/20, the contract total is $1,022,772. Although this is a reduction in total cost, the agreement includes two enhancements over last year. First, Route 75 service has increased service in the evenings and extends service. Second, this contract includes free transit service for all Board of County Commissioners employees. This does not include constitutional offices or the Library District.
In addition to the service funded by the County, additional service in the unincorporated area will be enhanced by a new route being funded by the University of Florida. Route 33 will run from...
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