Agenda Item Name:
ZOM-08-19: Minor Amendment to the Oakmont Planned Development
Mehdi Benkhatar, 352-374-5249 ext. 2361
A request by CHW, Inc., agent, for CC Oakmont, LLC, owners, for an amendment to Condition 19 of the zoning master plan pertaining to the timing of road construction for access to SW 122nd Street.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve ZOM-08-19
Prior Board Motions:
ZOM-16-99: rezoning from "A" (Agriculture) to RE-1 (single-family, low density residential)
ZOM-08-05: rezoning from "A" (Agriculture) and RE-1 (single-family, low density residential) to PD (Planned Development)
CPA-04-06: Text amendment to the Oakmont development
ZOM-18-07: PD amendment for phasing
ZOM-10-09 PD amendment for phasing and road design
CPA-03-10 Text amendment to the Oakmont development
ZOM-05-13 PD amendment for phasing
ZOM-03-14 PD amendment for phasing, model homes and setbacks
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
The Oakmont Planned Development (PD) has been approved for 999 single-family units (both detached and attached). So far there have been three phases that have received development approvals, totaling 496 units. Condition #19 of the Oakmont PD states that the primary access on Southwest 122nd Street shall be provided prior to development approval of more than 500 total units. As the next phase of Oakmont will exceed the 500 unit level, the applicant has requested an amendment to the language of this condition in order to construct the road concurrent with the approval of the next phase rather than before. The minor amendment, as proposed by staff, keeps the prohibition of construction of dwelling units #500 and above until this road receives a certificate of completion and the plat is recorded. Approval of this minor amendment will give the developer greater flexibility in the timing of the access road and c...
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