Agenda Item Name:
Recognize unanticipated revenue related to the Ag and Equestrian Center
Tommy Crosby 337-6205
The County has received unanticipated interest revenue related to TDT Funds and the funds are needed for expenditures related to the Weisman property development for the fairground next to the Solid Waste Facility. Approval of this item will allow the County to recognize the revenue in the budget and allow it to be spent in FY19.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Adopt the proposed Resolution recognizing the unanticipated revenue, approving the journal entry, and adopting legislative findings regarding the expenditure of Tourist Development Tax revenue.
Prior Board Motions:
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Recognize $50,000 in revenue and $50,000 in expenditures. 168.45.4530.361.1410 and 168.45.4530.552.34.00