Agenda Item Name:
FY20 Budget Amendment for Carry Forwards, Re-appropriations and Fund Balance Adjustments
Diane Smith 352-337-6110
Request adoption of resolutions, and approve budget amendment to amend the FY20 budget for carry forward, re-appropriations and fund balance adjustments.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Conduct public hearing, adopt resolutions, and approve budget amendment.
Prior Board Motions:
The Board adopted the FY1920 Budget on September 24, 2019
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
General Fund Budget Increase $5,253,017
Total All Funds Budget Increase $55,850,269
As provided for in the Board's policies, an adjustment to the FY20 budget is requested relating to carry forward of prior year encumbrances; re-appropriation of prior year projects and grants; appropriations of projects and other fund balance adjustments. As additional support, a worksheet summarizing the budget amendments by Superfund, Function and Category and a listing of the major adjustments explaining the changes are attached. Budget changes are explain in attachment to the agenda.