Agenda Item Name:
Fee Schedule changes for Ag and Equestrian Center
Gina Peebles
Several changes to the FY20 Fee Schedule related to the Ag and Equestrian Center
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve Fee schedule changes to be effective immediately
Prior Board Motions:
August 13, 2019 - BoCC adopted initial Fee Schedule for Ag and Equestrian Center, upon purchase of the property.
September 10, 2019 - BoCC approved changes to Fee Schedule for Ag and Equestrian Center.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
These changes allow fees to be charged for services not currently listed.
The Board adopted initial items in the Fee Schedule for the Ag and Equestrian Center on August 13, 2019. On September 10, the BoCC approved several changes to these initial fees. This version for October 22, adds a fee that was inadvertently omitted, adds language to allow the County Manager, or designee to set rates for situations not included in the fee schedule and removes erroneous references to fairgrounds.