Agenda Item Name:
Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Special Assessment District: Initial Assessment Resolution and Authorization to Advertise a Public Hearing
Tommy Crosby 352-337-6205, Claudia Tuck 264-6704
This is the Initial Assessment Resolution authorizing a public hearing to set rates for Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Special Assessment District for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 and directing the provision of notice by newspaper and through the Notice of Proposed Taxes (TRIM).
The proposed annual Non-Ad Valorem Assessment rates for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 are unchanged from Fiscal Year 2019-2020. Receiving approval will allow the Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Special Assessment District to receive approximately $49,620 in Non-Ad Valorem Assessment revenue.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Adopt Resolution and authorize staff to notice the public of the September 8, 2020, Public Hearing to set the assessment for the Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Non-Ad Valorem Assessments and authorize provision of the notice to affected property owners on the Notice of Proposed Taxes (TRIM).
Prior Board Motions:
Resolution 2019-115 was approved of on December 10th, 2019, electing to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem assessments for the Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Preservation and Enhancement District.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Approving this request will allow the County to collect approximately $49,620 in non-ad valorem assessment fees (not adjusted for non-collectibles) to fund community maintenance in the Sugarfoot Oaks/Cedar Ridge Preservation and Enhancement District. The Preservation & Enhancement Board approved the budget on July 7, 2020.
On April 24, 2001, the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners adopted ordinance 01-06, authorizing the Board to create Neighborhood Preservation and Enhancement Districts. On October 23, 2001, the Board adopted ordinance 01-24 establi...
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