Agenda Item Name:
Change Order 1 to Purchase Order 2020-00000091 to Bound Tree Medical LLC, in the amount of $10,000.00, for the purchase of Medical Supplies. The revised Purchase Order Total is $130,000.00
Harold Theus 384.3101/Larry M. Sapp, 374.5202
Bound Tree Medical LLC Change Order 1 to Purchase Order 2020-00000091
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve the issuance of Change Order 1 to Purchase Order 2020-00000091, to Bound Tree Medical, LLC, in the amount of $10,000.00, for the purchase of Medical Supplies. The revised Purchase Order Total is $130,000.00. Prices, terms and conditions are per Bid 19-13 Annual Medical Supplies.
Prior Board Motions:
August 14, 2018, the Board approved Annual Bid 19-13 Annual Medical Supplies.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
The FY20 Adopted budget includes $511,668.00 for medical supplies in line item 001.54.5450.526.52.50. Fire Rescue staff originally estimated the purchase order to Bound Tree at $120,000.00. It is necessary to increase this purchase order by $10,000.00 for a total of $130,000.00. Expenditures for medical supplies are anticipated to be within the adopted budget amount.
Alachua County Fire Rescue purchases medical supplies in order to provide emergency services to the community and visitors to our community. The FY20 budget for medical supplies is $511,668.00. Bid 19-13: Annual Medical Supplies was awarded to nine (9) vendors. A purchase order was issued to Bound Tree at an estimated amount of $120,000.00. It is necessary to increase the purchase order by $10,000.00 for a total of $130,000.00. This action requires Board approval because the purchase order is over $50,000.00.
Original Purchase Order $120,000.00
Change Order 1 $ 10,000.00
Revised Purchase Order Total: $130,000.00
BID 19-13 Annual Medical Supplies advertised on March 28, 2018 and April 4, 2018. The deadline for receipt of BID 19-13...
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