Agenda Item Name:
Discuss and Review Submittals for West Lawn Art for Call to Artists 20-934
Gina Peebles, 352-538-8265
Discuss and Review Submittals for West Lawn Art for Call to Artists 20-934
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Review six West Lawn Art submittals and either select one,
reject all bids and direct staff to re-bid, amending the scope to reflect that the desired art should be beautiful, of no political message and interesting
Prior Board Motions:
Jun. 23, 2020 - defer this discussion until the Jul. 14 Commission meeting.
Jan. 14, 2020 - approve the use of reserves as funding and grant Procurement permission to issue a Call to Artists to acquire art for both the west lawn and south wall within FY20.
Aug. 13, 2019 - Authorize staff to advertise final version with the Board’s previous guidance that the Board is not looking to recognize or honor individuals, specific political concepts, or historical events be included so artist can respond appropriately.
June 25, 2019 - Approval of the Arts Council of Alachua County Strategic Plan, which includes funding for the West Lawn Statue in the amount of $25,000.
April 16, 2019 - The Board had a general discussion during their April 16 Budget meeting about the statue, the status of the Call to Artists, and its funding.
May 23, 2017 - refer to the County Manager for recommendations on the following:
1. To Proceed with the empowerment of art review group as described and bring it to the Board as soon as it is ready.
2. The budget for the art will be discussed during the budget process.
3. The artist Search is not restricted to local artist community.
4. A Public Hearing should be held in the evening at the next convenient date so those citizens can propose concepts for the art. The Board is not looking to recognize/honor individuals, specific political concepts, or historical events but more of a concept of idea that is uplifting for everyone.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
In accordance with Ordinance 18-07, the Arts Council of Alachua County reviewed the six submittals and narrowed them to two for the Board’s final selection. However, both pieces were trees, which could send an unintended political statement and detract from the Live Oak immediately adjacent to the installation location.
Therefore, the Board requested this item be delayed until the July 14 meeting.
For a list of full submittals, please click: <>