Agenda Item Name:
Request Approval of Cuscowilla Budget Amendment and Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Plan Amendments
Gina Peebles, 352-538-8265
Request Approval of Cuscowilla Budget Amendment and WSPP Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Plan Amendments
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Approve Cuscowilla Budget Amendment and WSPP Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Plan Amendments
Prior Board Motions:
Feb. 9, 2021 - Commissioner Wheeler moved the following:
1. To authorize the advertisement of the Manager Position for Cuscowilla.
2. Authorize the transfer of $186,948 from the General fund $368,000 from Wild Spaces Funding for the other expenses in order to begin operations.
3. The budget will be authorized at Mid-Year Budget Adjustment
Oct. 27, 2020 - Approval to Restore Western Shoreline Except for Up to 300' for Public Access in an Area that has been Historically Clear on George's Pond for Cuscowilla Recreation Opportunities
Sep. 22, 2020 - Commissioner Wheeler advised the Board of need for operating funds for the Cuscowilla facility. She stated the advisory board is looking to hire a site manager for the facility. Assistant County Manager Tommy Crosby suggested that the Board adopt the budget as presented this evening and not change the budget to include this funding. He advised that there are two times coming up that adjustments can be made to the budget and he would be happy to work with the group to develop a plan for the funding. Commissioner Cornell stated that he believed the plan was to fund the upgrades needed in the budget now and then fund the manager to come online mid-year.
Aug. 13, 2020 - Mr. Crosby stated that based on the discussion staff will budget $121,500 for Fiscal Year 2021 and $477,000 for Fiscal Year 2022 and possibly coming back midyear if the budget allows.
Jun. 23, 2020 -
1. Approve the amended Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to include Camp McConnell;
2. Approve the bud...
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