Agenda Item Name:
Select Artist for West Lawn Sankofa Statue and Approve Use of General Fund Reserves for balance of budget
Gina Peebles, 352-538-8265
Select Artist for West Lawn Sankofa Statue and approve use of general fund reserves for the balance of the budget.
Recommended Action:
Recommended Action
Select Artist for West Lawn Sankofa Statue and approve budget amendment 2022-2220 to authorize the use of general fund reserves for the balance of the budget needed.
Prior Board Motions:
Jan. 25, 2022 - County's portion is not to exceed $75,000 ($25,000 of which is being contributed by an anonymous benefactor) for the fabrication, transportation and installation of the sculpture. The FY22 Adopted Budget includes $38,332 from General Fund Special Expense for the advertising and the artwork itself; 001.04.0490.519.49.00. The balance of the funding has not yet been determined.
Dec. 14, 2021 - Commissioner Prizzia moved to honor Dr. Patricia Hilliard-Nunn's work with a statue of a durable medium at the County Administration Building with the inspiration of a sankofa in the call to artist with a budget of up to $100,000.
May 11, 2021 - exploring the private donor and other private funds and working together with truth and reconciliation committee and cultural affairs committee, and meaningful, durable, and impactful, and reject all submittals with gratitude.
Fiscal Consideration:
Fiscal Consideration
Not to exceed $75,000 for all costs, including advertising, artists stipends, and the art itself. $25,000 will be paid by an anonymous donor; while up to $50,000 will be paid from County Funds. The FY22 Adopted budget has a balance of $38,332 for this project; the budget amendment attached will provide the full $50,000 from County funds.
Project # 6200402. General Fund Special Expense: 001.04.0490.519.49.00
Strategic Guide:
Social and Economic Opportunity
The West Lawn at the County Adm...
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